Book 'Ecología: Mitos y Fraudes'

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    LATEST NEWS    Updated: FEBRUARY 11, 2011

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  All Aboard the Climate Gravy Train: by Iain Murray - There was a time when climate scientists were not extremely well paid, but that is no longer the case. Not only have their earnings grown far faster than their colleagues', but on an hourly basis they now earn as much as CEOs. When climate skeptics talk about a global-warming gravy train, the numbers back them up. (11-march-2011)

Climatic variations in historic and prehistoric time: by Prof. Otto Pettersen - Extraordinary paper by Swedish geologist Dr. Otto Pettersen, published in 1913, in the Swedish journal UR Svenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Kommisionens Skrifter where he exposes his theory of a solar-lunar driven climate and a 'tide-generating force'. "In the last centuries of the Middle Ages a series of political and economic catastrophes occurred all over the then-known world. They synchronise with the occurrences of a startling and unusual kind in the kingdom of Nature. The coast of Iceland and Greenland became blocked by Polar ice. Frequent volcanic eruptions occurred in Ice-land and the surrounding seas. Violent storm-floods devastated the coast of the North Sea and Baltic." (11-feb-2011)

What the return of frogs can teach us about global warming: by Anthony Watts - About 15 to 20 years ago, folks began to notice problems in amphibian communities around the world. At first, physical deformities were being noticed and then large population declines were being documen-ted. Now a bit good—although hardly unexpected—news is coming out of the frog research studies. Some frog populations in various parts of the world are not only recovering, but also showing signs of increased resistance—gained through adaptation and/or evolution—to the chytrid fungus. (14-dec-2010)

Mercury rising... but Temperatures?: by Lord Christopher Monckton - "El Presidente –don't tell anyone– is going to ban all incandescent lightbulbs in all Mexico. Ban light-bulbs. Throughout Mexico. Really and truly. I kid you not. Gee wow golly gosh." With his peculiar sense of humor Lord Monckton tells us that this "Gran Mexican Iniciativa" will forestall temperature rise by 2050 in about 0.03ºC at the mere cost of $34 trillion, seven times the world's GDP. Pocket change... (11-dec-2010)

Climate, Caution and Precaution: by Willis Eschenbach - One of the arguments frequently applied to the climate debate is that the "Precautionary Principle" requires that we take action to reduce CO2. However, this is a misunderstanding of the Precautionary Principle, which means something very different from the kind of caution that makes us carry an umbrella when rain threatens. Some people are taking the Precautionary Principle way too far… (2-january-2010)

Global Warming, a Mass Mania: by Walter Starck, Australian marine biologist - Throughout history episodic eruptions of mass manias have swept societies. These outbreaks embody the dissatisfactions, fears and hopes of their times while offering a shining path to a bright new future. They are characterised by a millenarian nature, wherein threat of punishment for past sins is accompanied by promise of salvation through a new faith. (29-august-2009)

Dangerous Deception: by Tim Ball. "The first problem is the original temperature increase was actually given as 0.6°C ± 0.2°C or a 66 percent error factor. It is a virtually meaningless number but still used to argue for warming. Now Phil Jones is acknowledging the UHIE is greater than he allowed at least in China. As Warwick Hughes notes, "Urban-related warming over China is shown to be about 0.1 degree per decade, hey that equates to a degree per century. Huge." If the UHIE is even half of this value for the rest of the world stations chosen by Jones then his claim of a 0.6°C increase virtually disappears. And so does the claim that human produced CO2 is causing warming because there is virtually no warming over the post-industrial period. (10-august-2009)

Compared to the Sun's power, we are a fly speck on an elephant's butt: by Anthony Watts - This is a fictional account of what might happen if we get a large solar event, such as a Coronal Mass Ejection, pointed directly at earth. Given that we are truly an electric society, the havoc it would cause would be monumental. Few systems are hardened against an event like this. It would be like a nuclear EMP event, except worldwide. (28-march-2009)

El Niño/La Niña EXPLAINED: by Ken Ring - Sometimes these words are tossed around with gay abandon. "This is a typical La Niña pattern", some TV weather anchors will say about almost every bunch of rain clouds passing over. But real meteorologists only call off on El Niño or La Niña when a year is over, in hindsight.  That's not much use if you're a farmer trying to plan ahead. El Niño and La Niña do have a simple explana-tion. There are only two basic points to remember. (4-january-2009)

No significant global warming since 1995: It is impossible to say what is going to happen in the future. But so far, real measurements give no ground for concern about a catastrophic future warming. (19-october-2008)

Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered: Paper published by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley in the American Physical Society journal. The present analysis suggests that the failure of the IPCC's models to predict this and many other climatic phenomena arises from defects in its evaluation of the three factors whose product is climate sensitivity: 1) Radiative forcing ΔF; 2) The no-feedbacks climate sensitivity parameter κ and The feedback multiplier ƒ. (20-july-2008)

A critique on the Lockwood-Frohlich paper: By Ken Gregory - Mike Lockwood and Claus Frohlich published a paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society which concludes that the Sun could not be responsible for the global temperature rise over the last twenty years. This paper is so flawed that it is remarkable that it was published. (16-may-2008)

New Jason satellite indicates 23-year global cooling: Now it's not just the sunspots that predict a 23-year global cooling. The new Jason oceanographic satellite shows that 2007 was a "cool" La Nina year—but Jason also says something more important is at work: The much larger and more persistent Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has turned into its cool phase, telling us to expect moderately lower global temperatures until 2030 or so. (13-may-2008)

Global Warming - The Scare is Over -8 hours ago.: by Christopher Monckton, The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley: "Scientific evidence presented by leading climatologists at the New York climate conference (March 2-4) demonstrates that the costly "global warming" scare is at last over. Now, the hype is wearing off, and the media that are winning the ratings war are those who give a more careful and balanced presentation of the facts. (19-march-2008)

NEWS From the Warming Battlefield: Yet another recently retired preeminent scientist has declared themselves a dissenter from the so-called global warming 'consensus.' The ranks of skeptical scientist continue to swell. And lots of news about the incoming cooling, scientific studies, and evidences on the coolest year in the decade: 2007. (29-february-2008)

Climate Change Reexamined: by Dr. Joel M. Kauffman - ABSTRACT: Claimed human-caused warming of the Earth to dangerous and unprecedented levels by human-related emissions of carbon dioxide is contradicted mainly by a non-correlation of carbon dioxide levels with warming. Details are given of misleading proxy temperature reconstructions, as well as of misleading proxy atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Evidence is presented to show that trepidation about runaway land surface temperatures should apply only to giant urban heat islands, not to rural areas or oceans. (20-february-2008)

Polar oposites: by Willie Soon, Kesten C. Green, J. Scott Armstrong - Have you ever wondered how polar bears survived the ice ages? Yes, ice ages! The question arises because scientists have found that when spring conditions are more than usually icy, fewer ringed seal pups—the bears' favorite food—are born. With less food available for the mother bears, fewer bear cubs are born and survive.Why then listing them as "endangered species"? (10-february-2008)

Ban Kin-moon sticks his foot in a penguin hole: Ban Kin-moon follows Kofi Anan's example and heads towards making himself one of the worst UN General Secretaries ever. Bah!, for what they are worth… His recent trip to Antarctica showed his wilfull and astonishing ignorance of climate science and facts. (23-november-2007)

Cirrus Disappearance: Warming Might Thin Heat-trapping Clouds: from Science Daily - The widely accepted (albeit unproven) theory that manmade global warming will accelerate itself by creating more heat-trapping clouds is challenged this month in new research from The University of Alabama in Huntsville. (23-november-2007)

Overturning the "Consensus" in One Fell Swoop: New research from Stephen Schwartz of Brookhaven National Lab concludes that the Earth's climate is only about one-third as sensitive to carbon dioxide as the IPCC assumes. Indeed, if Schwartz's results are correct, that alone would be enough to overturn in one fell swoop the IPCC's scientific "consensus", the environmentalists' climate hysteria, and the political pretext for the energy-restriction policies that have become so popular with the world's environmental regulators, elected officials, and corporations. The question is, will anyone in the mainstream media notice? (17-august-2007)

It's colder than Antarctica - but he's in NSW: CLIMATE change may be a global crisis, but with parts of New South Wales colder than Antarctica yesterday it seems we would rather keep cosy than bother about the environment. NSW this week set its third electricity consumption record in a month. Experts blamed residents turning up their heaters and reverse cycle air-conditioners to fend off the unusually chilly winter. (17-july-2007)

Claim That Sea Level Is Rising Is a Total Fraud: Dr. Nils-Axel Morner interview in EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) on June 6th, 2007. "But more important, in 5,000 years, the whole of the Northern Hemisphere experienced warming, the Holocene Warm Optimum, and it was 2.5 degrees warmer than today. And still, no problem with Antarctica, or with Greenland; still, no higher sea level." (23-june-2007)

Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner's paper: Dr. Mörner's paper of 2003 with the scientific findings that led to his conclusion that there is no signal of any increasing sea level trend. Clear and excellent graphs. (25-june-2007)

A Lesson in Metorology: Mobile Polar Highs: by Professor Marcel Leroux, Laboratoire de Climatologie, Risques, Environnement. 66 CD 10 - 13 126 Vauvenargues, France. MPHs are powerful, deep and of vast dimensions, and they maintain considerable coherence, retaining their original low temperatures across longer distances. They transport a larger amount of cold polar air, they move more rapidly, and their trajectories are more meridional, so that they drive more deeply into tropical margins. (19-june-2007)

2006 Season Casts Doubt on Warming: As the 2006 hurricane season passed its midpoint, hurricane and tropical storm activity was below normal, and forecasters predicted below-normal activity for the rest of the year as well. The 2006 season cast doubt on prior assertions that a recent spike in Atlantic hurricanes was tied to global warming. (14-october-2006)

Al Gore: Some Inconvenient Glaciers: Al Gore says the world's glaciers are melting because humanity has emitted too much CO2. However, a new peer-reviewed study published by the American Academy of Sciences in PNAS, shows that in South America's Andes Mountains the glaciers' advances and retreats have not been governed by CO2, but by small variations in the sun's intensity. (10-june-2006)

The tide turns against culture: Why are museums and heritage groups rebranding themsel-ves as apparently brave warriors against the gods of Global Warming? - Global warming hype grows and grows, along with official's insanity. (7-june-2006)

What's your carbon footprint?: by Steven Milloy - If you’ve tried to find out what that means, chances are you’ve only gotten half the story. The average “carbon footprint” for a U.S. household is 19 metric tons of CO2, according to BP’s web site. Based on that figure, we calculate that the average U.S. household contributes, at most, an infinitesimal 0.0000000000148 degrees Fahrenheit annually to average global temperature – a trivial contribution even when multiplied by the 100 million U.S. households. (11-may-2006)

Climate Change: Incorrect information on pre-industrial CO2: Statement written for the Hearing before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation by Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski, Chairman, Scientific Council of Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, Warsaw, Poland - "The notion of low pre-industrial CO2 atmospheric level, based on such poor knowledge, became a widely accepted Holy Grail of climate warming models. The modelers ignored the evidence from direct measurements of CO2 in atmospheric air indicating that in 19th century its average concentration was 335 ppmv. In Figure 2 encircled values show a biased selection of data used to demonstrate that in 19th century atmosphere the CO2 level was 292 ppmv. A study of stomatal frequency in fossil leaves from Holocene lake deposits in Denmark, showing that 9400 years ago CO2 atmospheric level was 333 ppmv, and 9600 years ago 348 ppmv, falsify the concept of stabilized and low CO2 air concentration until the advent of industrial revolution. (9-may-2006)

So Now we are Holocaust Deniers: by Dr. Roy Spencer - "This has recently been accomplished by comparing scientists who don't believe in a global climate catastrophe to those who deny the Holocaust, to those who denied cigarettes cause cancer, or to 'flat- Earthers". "Whenever you see any media statement that "the science is settled" on global warming, note that exactly what is settled about global warming goes unmentioned. (29-april-2006)

Summary of CO2 and Climate Change Related studies: Fifth issue [From CO2Science.org]
(1) Changes in Global Climate and the Ocean's Thermohaline Circulation: Which Leads Which? - (2) Climate-Mediated Changes in 20th-Century Argentina Agriculture - (3) Tropical Forest Productivity Trends: 1982-1999 (4) Late-Holocene Moisture Conditions of the Central Mexican Highlands (14-december-2005)

Summary of CO2 and Climate Change Related studies: Fourth issue [From CO2Science.org] (1) Greenland Ice Sheet: Going, Going ... Growing! - (2) Birds in Finland Respond to Global Warming - (3) The Roman and Medieval Warm Periods in Spain (4) Global Warming and the Sachem Skipper Butterfly. (4-november-2005)

The Week That Was: October, 1st, 2005 - New on the Web: Much to do about the shrinking of Arctic sea ice (but not in the Antarctic). William Kininmonth, former head of Australia's Climate Center and author of Climate Change: A Natural Hazard (ISBN 0 906522 26) gives a common-sense explanation of Arctic warming, why it occurs in cycles, and why we should not fear a run-away warming. - 1) Tony Blair dumps Kyoto - 2) USA Today: scientists agree Katrina and Rita no product of global warming - 3) A distinguished professor of physical chemistry tells why efforts to tame hurricanes were abandoned in the US. - 4) Preparing for climate disasters - 5) Scientists in Europe are increasingly speaking gout against irrational climate fears - 6) public opinion in New Zealand is changing. (1-october-2005)

Station of the Week: Calhoun Falls, SC: To bolster our claim that "There Has Been No Net Global Warming for the Past 70 Years," each week we highlight the temperature record of one of the 1221 U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) stations from 1930-2000. (4-august-2005)

Summary of CO2 and Climate Change Related studies: Third issue [From CO2Science.org]
(1) 20th-Century ENSO Events - (2) A Climate History of the Northwestern Mediterranean Region - (3) Primary Production in the Adriatic Sea. (29-july-2005)

The Week That Was: (July, 9th, 2005) Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environ-mental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer: Loaded with information on the G8 meeting and Global Warming flop. (9-july-2005)

Climate Change: Incorrect information on pre-industrial CO2: Statement written for the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation , March 2004, by Prof. Zbigniew Jaworowski, Chairman, Scientific Council of Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, Warsaw, Poland, on the wrong methodology and dubious ethical treatment and manipulation of data from ice cores in Antarctica and Greenland. This puts the global warming issue in a totally different perspective. (6-july-2005)

Summary of CO2 and Climate Change Related studies: Second issue [From CO2Science.org]
(1) Fifty Years of Precipitation over China
(2) A 500-Year Precipitation History From the Bavarian Forest
(3) The Timing of North American Spring and Autumn Bird Migrations
(4) Effects of Elevated Temperature and CO2 on Wheat (30-june-2005)

Summary of CO2 and climate change related studies: First issue (From CO2science.org)
(1) Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Impacts Three Trophic Levels in a Study of Transgenic Cotton
(2) Effects of UV-B Radiation on Terrestrial Ecosystems
(3) Glaciers of North America
(4) Problems with Global Climate Models: Cloud Representations
(5) Negative Climate Feedback and Short Response Time Seen in Mt. Pinatubo Eruption
(6) Climate and Marine Fishing in Medieval Europe
(7) Can Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Prevent the Thermal Bleaching of Corals?


The Week That Was: (June, 25th, 2005) Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environ-mental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer: (25-june-2005)

The Lowdown on Meltdown: Dr. Howard Hayden's review of sir John Houghton's book "Global WArming: The Complete Briefing," and Dr. Patrick J. Michaels' book, "Meltdown: The Predictable Distorsion of Glñobal Warming by Scientists, Politicians and the Media," with interesting insights about the issue. (8-june-2005)

Summary of Weekly Scientific Studies: (1) Effects of Elevated CO2 on the Isoflavone Content of Soybean Seeds - (2) Thickness Trends of the Antarctic Ice Sheet - (3) The Roman Warm Period and Dark Ages Cold Period in China (From CO2science.org). (5-june-2005)

Can Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Prevent the Thermal Bleaching of Corals?: in the words of Smith et al. (2005), "thermal bleaching of many corals is ultimately the result of the des-truction of photosynthetic pigments by ROS," and since, in the words of Oksanen et al. (2003), "CO2 enrichment appears to alleviate chloroplastic oxidative stress," it takes no imagination at all to reach the conclusion that some as-yet-undefined level of atmospheric CO2 enrichment should completely counter coral thermal bleaching.  (23-MAY-2005)

Exaggerated Science: How Global Warming Research is Creating a Climate of Fear: The polar ice caps are disappearing! The Gulf Stream is soon to reverse! Right? Well, maybe. But calling such apocalyptic theories into question is becoming more and more difficult for skeptical scientists. Meanwhile, the public is getting tired of being fed a diet of fear. Article by Hans von Storch, 55, director of the GKSS Institute for Coastal Research (IfK) in Geesthacht, Germany, and Nico Stehr, 62, a sociologist at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, Germany, who is a long-time researcher of public attitudes about climate change. (14-MAY-2005)

The Week That Was: (MAY, 14th, 2005) Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environ-mental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer: New on the Web: Professor Dennis Bray (GKSS Forschungszen-trum, Geesthacht, Germany) conducted a survey among 530 international climate scientists and found that nearly 30% were skeptical of the IPCC conclusions about anthropogenic global warming. (1) In a letter to Nature (March 31, 2005), George Monbiot and four other "climate campaigners" (including from Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth) complained bitterly that because of skeptics a [false] impression [was] created in the public mind that climate scientists are deeply divided To put the record straight, Prof. David Douglass and I submitted a response, which Nature chose not to publish - (2) Are Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends real?, by S. FRed Singer - (3) Somking Gun Misfires - I take a dim view of his ocean heat storage causing a delayed temperature increase; it goes against the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Meteorologist Charles Hosler has published a critique of Hansen's heat storage values - (4) Global Warming: Something New Under the Sun? Three papers in Science report an increase in solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface presumably because of reduced atmospheric absorption. (14-MAY-2005)

The Week That Was: (MAY, 7th, 2005) Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environ-mental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer: New on the Web: (1) Dr Henry Miller reviews the book "The March of Unreason", by Lord Dick Taverne - (2) MTBE gasoline additive poses a water pollution problem and an even worse political problem - (3) the American Lung Association, aided by EPA, finds it to their advantage to exaggerate the nations air pollution problem - (4) Brief interview on the current energy debate - (5) Bill Steigerwald interviews Fred Singer about the global warming debate - (6) A letter to Mother Jones - (7) solar dimming (first noted by Gerald Stanhill some 20 years ago) is now replaced by a global brightening. (7-MAY-2005)

The Week That Was: (APRIL 30th, 2005) Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environ-mental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer: New on the Web: (1) Hans von Storch, german climatologist, gives an honest appraisal of climate fears in the leading magazine Der Spiegel - (2) David Bellamy, gives an essay that decries the dangers of extreme environmentalism - (3) The public knows little about global warming -- and doesn't care, an MIT survey shows - (4) Coral bleaching is another mechanism of adaptation to higher temperatures - (5) Carbon emissions from south Asia are contributing significantly to Arctic warming - (6) As an energy bill moves forward in Congress, it is appropriate to discuss what can be done to stimulate more production of natural gas through inventive leasing policies - (7) The exaggerated fears created by the Chernobyl accident and the depressing effect it has had on development of nuclear power - (8) The Flat Earth Award goes to Fred Singer. (1-MAY-2005)

The Week That Was: (APRIL 9th, 2005) Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environ-mental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer: New on the Web: (a) Critical Assessment of the Millennium Ecosystem, by Fred Singer - (b) Give me a break: A review by John Stossel of Crichton's "State of Fear". - (1) Jesse Ausubel's short essay on the Threat Industry is a gem - (2) The March of Unreason, the recent book by Lord Dick Taverne against Greenpeace's anti GM campaign. - (3) Natural Chemical Emissions. - (4) The precautionary Principle in the EU constitution. - (5) Jim Muckerheide comments on a verdict of $219 Million against Exxon for contaminating a site with radium from drilling pipe cleaning. - (6) Carbon Tax proposal shows true costs of CO2 control. - (7) Readers have asked how we estimate future warming. - (8) Sir David King advocates nuclear fusion. - (9) Ozone protection against GW avoidance. - (10) The Great Hockey Stick ongoing Debate. (10-APR-2005)

The Week That Was: (APRIL 2nd, 2005) Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environmental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer: New on the Web: Essay: Holman Jenkins' on Carbon-phobia (2) New Review of Crichton "State of Fear". (3) review by George Taylor of Mihkel Mathiesen's 'Global Warming in a Politically Correct Climate: How Truth Became Controversial'. (4) an update on the Flat-Earth Award: (5) The German EPA is subsidizing GW propaganda. (6) The UK will fall short of its Kyoto target. (7) Tony Blair, seems to be wobbling on Kyoto. (8) Shock, consterna-tion: Bush caving in; will ratify the Kyoto Protocol.(8-APR-2005)

The Week That Was: (MARCH 26th, 2005) Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environmental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer:
New on the Web: "Sustainable development = Sustained poverty", by Paul Driesen (next link below)
(1) Read all the blaah-blaah sent by the Union of Confused Scientists.
(2) Poll by the Flat Earth Award nominating Fred Singer the climate denier of the year".
(3) Lord May accuses the White House of being confused about climate science
(4) Lord Dick Taverne's new book, The March of Unreason, serves to restore some balance.
(5) Nuclear energy is coming back in Europe: now Poland.
(6) Hormesis is gaining ground
(6). And Canada could still get out of the Kyoto Protocol. (6-january-2005)

Sustainable development = Sustained poverty: by Paul Driesen, author of "Eco-Imperialism: Green power? Black Death." It is about keeping developing countries cute, indigenous, electricity-poor and impoverished. The Earth Island Institute longs for the day when Africa's poor made clothing for their neighbors on foot-pedal-powered sewing machines and says, once they get electricity, they spend too much time watching television and listening to the radio. (26-march-2005)

The Week That Was: March 5th, 2005 - Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environmental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer. (7-march-2005)

Global Warming, the Politicization of Science, and Michael Crichton's "State of Fear": Although State of Fear is a fictional thriller about ecoterrorism, its real thesis is the politicization of science, in particular climate change and global warming. "Whenever science is enlisted in some other cause--religious, political, or racialist--the result is always that the scientists themselves become fanatics" (Johnson, 1991, p. 154) (7-march-2005)

No Proof is Sufficient: A research published in the peer-reviewed journal Geophysical Research Letters, the title of which pushes the limits of scientific acceptability: "Forty-five years of observed moisture in the Ukraine: No summer desiccation (yet)." It appears we have now entered a phase of the global climate change debate wherein scientists feel free to trumpet their personal bias even if it runs contrary to evidence compiled by the scientific entity they represent or, even more astounding, if it runs counter to research results they themselves produce!(20-february-2005)

Kyoto Protocol Danger to the White House: by Prof. Fred S. singer - "The Kyoto Protocol went into effect on Feb 16, 2005, after seven long years of negotiations. It may be a victory for diplomacy, and it will certainly please international bureaucrats, but it is no cause for celebration. It is ineffective, yet very costly. And it is scientifically flawed. -- to quote Russian president Putin. But aside from that &" see what he says! (20-february-2005)

The Week That Was: February 19th, 2005 - Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environmental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer =
(1) Realities are beginning to sink in Britain
(2) A scathing critique of Kyoto in The Times (London) by Rosemary Righter and a penetrating analysis by its foreign editor Bronwen Maddox.
(3) The Canadians too face a dilemma that defies easy solution
(4) Dutch journalist Hans Labohm gives a sophisticated overview of events in Britain during the past month
(5) Domestic challenges to the Bush White House from blue states are clearly politically motivated
(6) We turn next to climate science and reprint the frank conclusions of a 1999 workshop that tell the real story of model and data uncertainties.
(7) This is followed by a WSJ investigative article on the demise of the Hockey Stick.
(8) We recommend also the WSJ editorial of Feb 18 on the same topic.
(9) Finally, a news report on a science talk by Tim Barnett and co-authors. (20-february-2005)

Kioto's Walls Are Crumbling: by Hans Labhom- "The unmitigated exposure to prophecies of imminent ice ages, looming hell fire, mass starvation, mega-droughts, global epidemics and mass extinction is an experience I would not recommend to anyone with a thin-skinned disposition (although the news media couldn't get enough of it). But such was the spectacle of pending disaster that anyone who dared - or was allowed - to question whether the sky is really about to fall on us " (20-february-2005)

Desperate Attack: Dead Man's Hand: Reflections on the release on January 24th of a press release by Dr. Rakendra Pachauri, head of the IPCC, about a curious "scientific" report by political and business organizations, during a meeting in Mauritius, a few days ago. We invite you to join us for a good laugh. (27-january-2005)

Strange Science: Reflections on Global Warming. By Thomas Sieger Derr, Professor of Religion and Ethics at Smith College and the author of Environmental Ethics and Christian Humanism. You might not know it from ordinary media accounts, which report the judgments of alarmists as "settled science," but there is a skeptical side to the argument. Scientists familiar with the issues involved have written critically about the theory of global warming. The puzzle is why these commentators, well-credentialed and experienced, have been swept aside to produce a false "consensus." What is it that produces widespread agreement among both "experts" and the general public on a hypothesis that is quite likely wrong? (22-november-2004)

The Week That Was: Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environmental Policy Project) sent by Dr. Fred Singer = (1) Our nuclear physics guru, Dr. Gordon Prather, decribes a promising option for nucelar power: Russians plans for reactors mounted on floating barges that can also supply desalination to areas short of fresh water.
(2) Fresh water: Increase in Rainfall From Global Warming.
(3) Environment improves under Bush.
(4) Coal Generators Clean Up Their Act.
(5) Global Warming Fanatics Fear of Sound Science.
(6) Science Support for Global Warming Dwindles
(7) Consensus Can be bad for Climate Science
(8) Britain Plans Contentious Approach tl Climate Change Policies.
(9) An Admiral at the Helm of NOAA. (9-october-2004)

August Frost: Minnesota farmers are braced for crop losses expected to total hundreds of millions of dollars after a devastating early frost during a lousy growing season. "It would appear that the soybean crop north of I-94 is anywhere from 30 to 100 percent gone,"
said Warren Pommier, a disaster specialist with the Farm Service Agency in Minnesota. (25-august-2004)

Cooling Everywhere: According to an analysis by scientists at the University of Alabama at Huntsville, July was the coldest worldwide since 1992. In the Northern Hemisphere, July's temperatures were below the 20-year average by 0.14º C and in the Southern Hemisphere by 0.29º C. Both the tropics and Antarctica showed marked coolness. How cold did it get? In Saskatoon on July 29, the overnight low was 0.07 degrees, breaking weather records that had been started in 1892. In Winnipeg on July 23, the overnight low was three degrees, the lowest recorded since 1872. (25-august-2004)

The Week That Was: August 21st, 2004 - Weekly Newsletter from SEPP (Science & Environmental Policy Project, website by Prof. Fred Singer) with latest news about climate science and other topics. (21-august-2004)

Settling Global Warming Science: by Fred Singer, Patrick Michaels and David Douglass. "How many times have we heard from Al Gore and assorted European politicians that "the science is settled" on global warming? Well, the science may now be settled, but not in the way Gore and Blix would have us believe. Three bombshell papers have just hit the refereed literature that knock the stuffing out of Blix's position and that the United Nations and its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (21-august-2004)

Ghostbusting Temperatures!: FAEC publishes here an analysis of 1583 temperature records taken from the US Historical Climatology Network database in the United States (along with 1583 graphs and charts of plotted trends) showing that the IPCC's claimed "dramatic warming" does not exist - at least in the United States of America. (4-august-2004)
NRDC Releases Yet Another Bomb in Climate Change Scare Tactic Campaign: August 4, 2004: A study scheduled for release this morning by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) alleges residents in more than a dozen U.S. cities "will enjoy significantly fewer healthy air days in coming summers as hotter temperatures caused by global warming speed formation of the lung-damaging pollution commonly known as smog.". Honest and competent scientists are laughing their lungs out. (4-august-2004)

Estimating the Cost of McCain-Liebermann - A Futile Exercise: The exercise of calculating the cost of the McCain-Liebermann proposed bill is like determining how many angels can fit on the head of a pin. It assumes angels do indeed exist, otherwise how could one estimate their size? (25-july-2004)

Prof. Fred Singer's Newsletter: The Week that Was - July, 24th, 2004. (25-july-2004)

Raining in the Global Warming Parade: Unlike the old adage that two wrongs don't make a right, climate models contain many processes that are probably wrong (or non-existent), but are tuned to get the right average climate conditions. Climate modellers still believe in Santa Claus. (24-july-2004)

A Mayor Mistake: After Newton, Mass., Mayor David Cohen and Worcester, Mass., Mayor Timothy P. Murray published an op-ed in the Sept. 1 Boston Globe calling upon the Bay State to put in place a climate action plan to combat global warming, Mayor Cohen received the following letter from a resident of his community. (24-july-2004)

Let Them Confess Their Faith!: It wasn't long after I became a research scientist that I learned that scientists aren't the unbiased, impartial seekers of truth I always thought they were. Scientists have their own agendas, philoso-phies, pre-conceived notions, and pet theories. These views end up influencing their science. Nowhere does this have a greater impact on the science than in global warming theory. (24-july-2004)
Ghost Temperatures: A great amount of weather station records all over the world suggests that Earth has not warmed significantly, o perhaps it has cooled during the last years, contradicting claims and catastrophic predictions from the IPCC. (15-july-2004)
"Corrigenda anyone?: The Corrigendum in Nature today (July 1, 2004) by Professors Mann, Bradley and Hughes is a clear admission that the disclosure of data and methods behind MBH98 was materially inaccurate. The text acknowledges extensive errors in the description of the data set. Even more important is the new online Supplementary Information (SI) site, which concedes for the first time that key steps in the computations behind MBH98 were left out of (and indeed conflict with) the description of methods in the original paper. (4-july-2004)

"Estimation and representation of long-term (>40 year) trends of Northern-Hemisphere-gridded surface temperature: A note of caution": by Willie W.H. Soon, David R. Legates, and Sallie L. Baliunas, published in Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 31, February 14, 2004. (1-july-2004)

Aliens Cause Global Warming: Another great lecture given by Michael Crichton in January 17th, 2003 at Caltech Michelin Lecture. "Let's be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period." (24-june-2004)

Crying Wolf on Climate Change and Extinction: Science needs to learn how to deal with increasingly sensationalist mass media. In January 2004 the UK print media headlined the claim that one million species are to go extinct within 50 years. A group o scientists from Oxford University analyzed this hype and came with surprising results. The study exposes the wild exaggerations on the subject commited by the WWF and Friends of Earth for the purpose of raising money.(25-may-2004)

The 'Fatal Conceit' of Kyoto: by Ken Green, The Toronto Star, (Apr. 25, 2004) - A suppressed report by the federal government {Canada} evaluating the effectiveness of spending $500 million since the year 2000 to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases has shown - surprise! - that the spending was largely wasted, producing neither a reduction in gas emissions, nor the development of new "cleaner" technologies.

Observed World Temperature Trends: Observed trends in World Temperatures. Hundreds of records and graphs on recorded temperatures in 385 weather stations around the world, casting doubts about the way the IPCC compose its temperature statistics in order to claim a "catastrophic" warming trend.

Upsala Glacier: Greenpeace's Newest Fraud: According to the ultra-environmentalist organization Greenpeace, global warming is responsible for the retreat of the Upsala Glacier in Patagonia. Analyzing scientific facts, it looks as this is another of the usual pathetic pseudo-scientific frauds by Greenpeace.

New study puts an end to overheated theories on climate change: It's the sun. And apparently the stars, too. Fluctuating levels of solar and stellar radiation are the cause of climate change on Earth, not rising carbon dioxide levels. Ebbs and flows in the sun's energy raise and lower Earth's temperature far more than CO2 ever could, according to an extensive new study by Jan Veizer, a University of Ottawa geologist and paleoclimatologist, and Nir Shaviv, an astrophysicist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Worrying About El Niño: by Sallie Baliunas, PhD. - "The first El Niño of the 21st Century began unfolding last year, and is partly blamed for warm surface temperatures, floods and droughts. Will El Niño events intensify or increase in frequency if surface temperatures were to rise from continued human fossil fuel use?"

Behavior of World's Glaciers Fails to Prove Global Warming Theory: Global warming theorists argue that examples of receding glaciers, primarily those located in the mid-latitude regions of the planet, provide evidence that climate change caused by human activities is underway. But glaciers are poor barometers of global climate change.

New Study Confirms Dramatic Urban Heat Island Effect: A new study presented to the American Geophysical Union (AGU) documents that the concentration of concrete, large buildings, and other human activities artificially raises urban temperatures in such cities as Atlanta and Houston by an average of 10 degrees on hot summer days.

There Has Been No Global Warming for the Past 70 Years: In our editorial of 15 June 2000 - 'The Global Surface Air Temperature Record Must Be Wrong' - we reviewed a large body of evidence that suggests that the highly-hyped "unprecedented global warming" of the past two decades never actually occurred. by Craig and Keith Idso, from the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change

Don't Cry for them: The Maldives islands are OK!: Here we publish excerpts from a scientific study conducted by Swedish and British scientists "New perspectives for the future of the Maldives" whose conclusions are that, contrary to claims by the IPCC and its followers, sea levels at the Maldives Islands have actually fallen 30 cm in the past 30-50 years.

Al Gore writes letter of complaint to Agony Aunt: (A parody?) "I gave a speech the other day about global warming.  Everyone knows that the climate is getting warmer.  It's the most obvious thing in the world.  All you have to do is look out the window. You can't miss it. The problem is that I gave the speech in New York on the coldest day of the year.

Oily Al: An article written back in 2000, but still as up to date as ever: "Former vice President Gore continues to claim with religious zeal that the Earth is warming catastrophically. But that is only one of the reasons Gore will be responsible as men, women, and children shiver, freeze, or are forced to spend their food and medicine money to buy history's highest-priced heating oil this coming winter."

A Winter's Tale from Al Gore by John Daly - 17 Jan, 2004 - While President George Bush may be eager to get off the planet with his 'men to Mars' announcement, his 2000 (and possibly 2004) presidential rival, Al Gore, appears to be already off it. He chose to give his speech blaming all time records low temperatures in the Eastern USA - to global warming. Read the nonsense.

The Next El Niño – July, 2006 - Dr. Theodor Landscheidt has now extended his solar analysis to forecast the next occurrences of El Niño and La Niña. According to the model, La Niña will emerge around April 2005, lasting about a year. El Niño should emerge around July 2006 and last at least until May 2007, with a probability of 80%. There is a 20% probability of a release El Niño around April 2007 lasting until January 2008. See the full analysis by Dr. Landscheidt here.

Research Debunks Greenhouse Theory: EDMONTON JOURNAL,12 November 2003 - Too many scientists have based their research, their reputations and their incomes on the greenhouse theory. So rather than debate the growing evidence that the greenhouse theory is fundamentally flawed, many greenhouse-believing scientists have begun viciously attacking those who question its conclusions and denouncing any agnostic as a heretic -- especially ones presenting uncomfortably challenging proof.
Heat Wave in Europe: The Mystery Unveiled: by Eduardo Ferreyra - "The recent heat in Europe made headlines in the media and was used as an evidence that "global warming" is a fact. Guess what: human activities had nothing to do with it." (12-Sept-2003)
New material next week!

Climate and Keplerian Planetary Dynamics: "The "Solar Jerk", The King-Hele Cycle, and the Challenge to Climate Science" by Rhodes W. Fairbridge, Emeritus Professor of Geology at Columbia University in New York. A senior Earth scientist divulges some little known discoveries, and how they may affect Earth's climate.

Triggering Abrupt Climate Change: A perspective on potential climate changes presented by Dr. Robert B. Gagosian, President and Director of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Global warming could actually lead to a big chill in some parts of the world. If the atmosphere continues to warm, it could soon trigger a dramatic and abrupt cooling throughout the North Atlantic region—where, not incidentally, some 60 percent of the world's economy is based.

Cosmic-climate study cools Kyoto: A widely misunderstood research paper says the sun's behaviour and the Earth's position in the galaxy, not CO2 build-up, are at the root of global warming. On July 1, the prestigious Geological Society of America (GSA) released a blockbuster scientific paper that fundamentally challenges the view that carbon dioxide is the principal driver of climate change.

July snow chills Interior: What the heck happened to July? It felt more like mid-October on Tuesday and Wednesday, as records fell all over the heart of Alaska. The culprit was a storm moving south from the Arctic Ocean that resulted in wintry temperatures, heavy rains and the first measurable snowfall to ever hit the Denali National Park and Preserve entrance area in July.

Are Human Activities Causing Global Warming?: Previous analyses of the global warming problem by the Marshall Institute have concentrated on the validity of climate models, the climate record as revealed in temperature observations, and the lack of a greenhouse signal in the temperature record to date. This report summarizes some results discussed in earlier reports, but its focus is on new facts related to the global warming issue as it has been discussed over the last 12 months.

20th Century Climate Not So Hot: (Harvard-Smithsonian Press release) Cambridge, MA - A review of more than 200 climate studies led by researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has determined that the 20th century is neither the warmest century nor the century with the most extreme weather of the past 1000 years. The review also confirmed that the Medieval Warm Period of 800 to 1300 A.D. and the Little Ice Age of 1300 to 1900 A.D. were worldwide phenomena not limited to the European and North American continents. While 20th century temperatures are much higher than in the Little Ice Age period, many parts of the world show the medieval warmth to be greater than that of the 20th century.

False correlations: Alleged correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and global temperatures are not so clear; in any case, the data show temperatures rose some hundred years before CO2 levels began to rise. An article by Eduardo Ferreyra.

Prof. John R. Christy, Written Testimony to the U.S. House Committee on Resources: - "I am John Christy, Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville or UAH. I am also Alabama's State Climatologist and recently served as a Lead Author of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change." - He thinks the global warming hype is a fraud, and Kyoto Protocol is absurd and contraproductive.

"The Year Without a Summer": beautiful article with great photographs and graphics, by astrophyisicist Willie Soon and journalist Steve H. Yaskell. The year 1816 is still known to scientists and historians as "eighteen hundred and froze to death" or the "year without a summer." It was the locus of a period of natural ecological destruction not soon to be forgotten. During that year, the Northern Hemisphere was slammed with the effects of at least two abnormal but natural phenomena. These events were mysterious at the time, and even today they are not well understood, but they seriously points to the Sun's influence over the climate as the main driving force. (Published in Mercury magazine, May-June 2003 edition)

The Latest UCS (Union of Concerned Scientists) Scam: read the reasons these lunatics state for pushing the Global Warming Scam, and the proper coments by Eduardo Ferreyra (with some convincing links to scientific studies).

SOLAR WIND NEAR EARTH: INDICATOR OF VARIATIONS IN GLOBAL TEMPERATURE: Scientific paper by Dr. Theodor Landscheidt (Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity, Germany), published in Proceedings of the 1st Solar & Space Weather Euroconference, 'The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate', Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 25-29 September 2000 (ESA SP-463, December 2000). [Published here by Dr. Landscheidt's kind permission.]
ABSTRACT: Near-Earth variations in the solar wind, measured by the geomagnetic aa index since 1868, are closely correlated with global temperature ( r = 0.96; P < 10-7). Geomagnetic activity leads temperature by 4 to 8 years. Allowing for this temperature lag, an outstanding aa peak around 1990 could explain the high global temperature in 1998. After 1990 the geomagnetic aa data show a steep decline comparable to the decrease between 1955 and 1967, followed by falling temperatures from 1961 through 1973 in spite of growing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This points to decreasing global temperature during the next 10 years.

SOLAR FORCING OF EL NIÑO AND LA NIÑA: Scientific paper by Dr. Theodor Landscheidt (Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity, Germany), published in Proceedings of the 1st Solar & Space Weather Euroconference, 'The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate', Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 25-29 September 2000 (ESA SP-463, December 2000). [Published here by Dr. Landscheidt's kind permission.]
ABSTRACT: Global temperature anomalies are dominated by ENSO events which are viewed to be the most spectacular example of a free internal oscillation of the climate system not subjected to external forcing. It is shown, however, that El Niño, La Niña, and the Southern Oscillation are subjected to strong solar forcing. They are closely connected with special phases in the rise to maximum and the fall to minimum of the 11-year sunspot cycle which coincide with significant accumulations of energetic solar eruptions. This pattern made it possible to forecast the last two El Niños and the extension of La Niña beginning in 1998. On this basis, the next El Niño is to be expected around 2002.9 (+ 0.4). An alternating preponderance of El Niño and La Niña is shown to be linked to the 22-year Hale cycle constituted by 11-year magnetic reversals in sunspot activity. La Niña prevailed in the cycle 1954-1976 and El Niño in the cycle 1976-1996 (P < 10-9). This alternating pattern can be traced back to the Hale cycle beginning in 1889. A predominance of La Niña may be expected in the current 22-year cycle.

New Little Ice Age Instead of Global Warming?: A superb scientific paper by Dr. Theodor Landscheidt: "Abstract: Analysis of the sun's varying activity in the last two millennia indicates that contrary to the IPCC's speculation about man-made global warming as high as 5.8° C within the next hundred years, a long period of cool climate with its coldest phase around 2030 is to be expected. It is shown that minima in the 80 to 90-year Gleissberg cycle of solar activity, coinciding with periods of cool climate on Earth, are consistently linked to an 83-year cycle in the change of the rotary force driving the sun's oscillatory motion about the centre of mass of the solar system. As the future course of this cycle and its amplitudes can be computed, it can be seen that the Gleissberg minimum around 2030 and another one around 2200 will be of the Maunder minimum type accompanied by severe cooling on Earth. This forecast should prove skillful as other long-range forecasts of climate phenomena, based on cycles in the sun's orbital motion, have turned out correct as for instance the prediction of the last three El Niños years before the respective event.

  Wintry Conditions Trimming Ukraine, Russia Winter Grain Expectations: Several episodes of bitterly cold weather from November through January likely resulted in considerable damage to winter crops, according to a USDA assessment of the situation. The Ukrainian Ministry of Statistics reports that farms planted 8.0 million hectares of winter grains for harvest in 2003 (compared to 8.7 million the previous season), including 6.7 (7.2) million wheat, 0.6 (0.8) million rye, and 0.7 (0.6) million barley." If this happens when the Earth warms, what should we expect if it starts to freeze? Please... bring back good old global warming!

Garbage In, Garbage Out!: On July 25, at a hearing of the House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee (the same folks who grill corporate executives), the nation found out how little real science there is about global warming. The hearing was prompted by the discovery that federal scientists were using computer models that they knew could not replicate U.S. temperatures. They appeared in two landmark documents that have served as the basis for very expensive and intrusive energy legislation.

 Why Energy conservation Fails?: Dr. Inhaber uses basic economic theory coupled with our well-known human nature to prove in dozens of ways that no artificial coercive strategy aimed at conserving anything can ever succeed. Through simple prose, supplemented with detailed illustrations and ample calculations, he makes his premise as certain as the law of gravity.

Grass Science: by John Daly - The last thing the 'global warming' proponents want is for any perceived benefit arising from CO2 emissions to be admitted publicly.  Consequently, we see several "It's a benefit to plants, but..." type papers, where the authors dig up obscure and unlikely reasons why the benefit might be less than anticipated.

Environmentalists reveal Kyoto's biggest flaw: It is finally clear that economic arguments on their own have failed to sway Canadians to oppose the Kyoto accord. Those of us who work in climate science have been saying for years that the debate would be lost if the treaty's science flaws were not highlighted as the primary reason for blocking ratification. This should have been obvious from the beginning. While others at the premiers' conference in Au-gust were focused on the cost of implementing Kyoto, Paul Okalik, territorial leader of Nunavut, clearly summed up the environmentalist position when he described climate changes in the   North and told the premiers, "You can keep your money!"

The Global Warming Folly: (by Prof. Zbigniew Jaworowski) - "Despite billions of dollars and millions of propaganda headlines, the global warming prophesied by the climate modelling industry is not scientifically real." Terrific article by former head of the United Nation Scientific Committee on Atomic Radiation, with 99 references to peer-rewied papers!

The Kyoto speak brain-washers : The summer of 1988 was a scorcher. There were droughts in the midwest and wildfires in the west. Al Gore convened his climate hearings, and one high-profile scientist said he was "99 per cent certain" that humans were responsible for global warming. Since then, Dr. Essex has watched the world of official science diverge more and more sharply from the world of real science. He has watched the doctrine of global warming gain such a grip on popular opinion and official policy that it is now virtually unquestioned.
Dr. Essex and Dr. McKitrick effectively demolish most of what you think you know about climate. For example, they explain why the concept of one big "global temperature" is meaningless.

Melting glacier 'false alarm' : Pictures released by Greenpeace claiming to show how man-made global warming has caused Arctic glaciers to retreat are at best misleading and only illustrate a natural phenomenon, says a leading glaciologist.

A high Degree of Double-Talk: At the UN Summit on Sustainable in Johannesburg the reference to the Kyoto Protocol in the Summit statement on climate change apparently goes no further than strongly urging states that have not done so to "ratify the Protocol in a timely manner." Des Moore argues there's almost fraud in data being used to support the climate change argument

The Sahara Desert is Retreating: Areas lost to the Sahara desert during decades of drought are growing vegetation again, according to the latest satellite pictures. The driving force behind the retreat of the deserts is believed to be increased rainfall. Better farming methods have also played a critical role, according to researchers. (Taken from BBC News OnLine)

Satellites Show Overall Increases in Antarctic Sea Ice Cover: While recent studies have shown that on the whole Arctic sea ice has decreased since the late 1970s, satellite records of sea ice around Antarctica reveal an overall increase in the southern hemisphere ice over the same period. Continued decreases or increases could have substantial impacts on polar climates, because sea ice spreads over a vast area, reflects solar radiation away from the Earth's surface, and insulates the oceans from the atmosphere. (Taken from NASA's website)

Modeling climatic effects of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions: unknowns and uncertainties: Scientific paper by Dr. Willie Soon, S. Baliunas, Sherwood B. Idso, Kirill Ya. Kondratyev, and Eric S. Posmentier: A likelihood of disastrous global environmental consequences has been surmised as a result of projected increases in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. These estimates are based on computer climate modeling, a branch of science still in its infancy despite recent substantial strides in knowledge. This paper demonstrates why computer modelling can not be trusted at all.

Collapse of Sound Science: News that an ice shelf collapsed in Antarctica in early March was an "aha" event for agenda-minded journalists and the environmental lobby. It was further evidence, they said, that man is destroying the Earth. With grand urgency it was reported that the Larsen B Ice Shelf left a "wakeup call" for man when it broke apart. Scientists, ABCnews.com said, were "still shaken" days later. They're now on an ice-shelf death watch, waiting for the next one to plummet into the frigid waters.

Is a Warmer Climate Sicker?: by Dr. Dr. Paul Reiter, Chief Entomologist of the Centers for Disease Control's Dengue Fever. "One of the scarier claims made by supporters of an international climate treaty is that global warming will spawn epidemics of deadly "tropical diseases" – malaria, dengue fever, Yellow fever – not only in countries where such scourges are already entrenched but in North America and Western Europe as well. Many prominent individuals in government, academia, and media embrace the "warmer is sicker" hypothesis. Indeed, some claim the expansion of disease vectors due to global warming is already under way. But is it true?"

Global Warming Models Labeled 'Fairy Tale' By Team of Scientists: Washington (CNSNews.com) - A team of international scientists Monday said climate models showing global warming are based on a "fairy tale" of computer projections. The scientists met on Capitol Hill to expose what they see as a dearth of scientific evidence about global warming. Hartwig Volz, a geophysicist with the RWE Research Lab in Germany questioned the merit of the climate projections coming from the United Nations sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC.) The IPCC climate projections have fueled worldwide support for the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to restrict the greenhouse gases thought to cause global warming.

A Global Warming Primer: by by Gerald E. Marsh, physicist at Argonne National Laboratory - The purpose of this primer is to help the reader determine whether our understanding of the Earth's climate is adequate to predict the long term effects of carbon dioxide released as a result of the continued burning of fossil fuels. "... Given the uncertainties described above, and the current state of coupled ocean-atmosphere general-circulation models, the predictions of these models cannot and do not form a sound basis for public policy decisions." A "must read" report.

Hydrocarbons are NOT fossils!: Review of Dr. Thomas Gold's Book: "The Deep Hot Biosphere" - Gold's thesis in The Deep Hot Biosphere is simple: Hydrocarbons have been in existence since the earliest times of the universe, and are part of the process of planetary formation. Their constituents, hydrogen and carbon, originated in the "primordial soup" from which Earth was formed. Earth's methane and petroleum, Gold says, are abiogenic - without biological origin. Contrary to the currently promoted explanation, Cold says that hydrocarbons did not disso-ciate during these early times because of high temperatures of planet formation, as theorists claim. Current geological science, he shows, affirms that the temperatures were not high enough, especially when depth-related pressures are taken into account.

Global warming and cooling: Brian Fagan, one of America's leading archaeologists, has written a most timely and riveting book examining in minute detail the ever-changing relationship between humanity and climate. In Europe, we are currently obsessed by "global warming", one of the great myths of our age. But how would we have enjoyed the winter of 1309-10, an exceptionally cold and dry year, when the Thames iced over, bread froze indoors - even when protected by straw - and shipping was disrupted from the Baltic Sea to the English Channel? This was just after the start of what we call the Little Ice Age, which can first be detected around 1200 from the evidence of tree rings and ice cores from Greenland and the Arctic. It would go on to curse Europe with great hungers, especially in 1315-19, 1741, and 1816, "the year without a summer".

The Greenhouse Hall of Shame: by John L. Daly STILL WAITING FOR THE GREENHOUSE: John Daly´s website. The best and more complete site for scientific information regarding the Global Warming issue.

Global Warming: A Chilling Perspective Earth's climate and the biosphere have been in constant flux, dominated by ice ages and glaciers for the past several million years. We are currently enjoying a temporary reprieve from the deep freeze. Approximately every 100,000 years Earth's climate warms up temporarily. These warm periods, called interglacial periods, appear to last approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years before regressing back to a cold ice age climate. At year 18,000 and counting our current interglacial vacation from the Ice Age is much nearer it's end than it's beginning.

Questions and Answers on Global Warming: Question: Is global warming occurring? Have the forecasts of global warming been confirmed by actual measurements? Answer: There is no serious evidence that man-made global warming is taking place. The computer models used in U.N. studies say the first area to heat under the "greenhouse gas effect" should be the lower atmosphere - known as the troposphere. Highly accurate, carefully checked satellite data have shown absolutely no such tropospheric warming. There has been surface warming of about half a degree Celsius, but this is far below the customary natural swings in surface temperatures.

Doubling of CO2: The effects of a doubling of carbon dioxide can be calculated theoretically. Read the article by Dr. Richard Lindzen!

Greenhouse Warming: Fact, Hypothesis, or Myth?: "Just recently I (Douglas V. Hoyt, author of the book "The Role of the Sun in Climate Change", and more than 80 scientific publications) have started looking at the Greenhouse Warming Hypothesis. On this and linked web pages, we are "kicking the tires", so to speak. Every new hypothesis needs its critics to keep things honest and that's what we are doing here. So spend a little time with me "kicking the tires" before buying or not buying the hypothesis.

Philosophy 101: Global Warming Myths vs. Empiricism (by: Philip Stott, Emeritus Professor of Biogeography in the University of London) I think it's time to re-examine the concept of "global warming" more philosophically. Weather and climate change every second, of every minute, of every day, of every week, of every year, of every decade, of every century, of every millennium, of every eon. There is no such thing as a stable, or "sustainable," climate. Temperature is accordingly never static; it is always either rising or falling.

Global Warming: Charges and Responses: A refutation of the most pervasive charges relating to the theory of man-made global warming. Charge: George W. Bush killed the Kyoto Protocol.Response: President Bush did not kill the Kyoto Protocol. It was dead when he took office. Senate Res. 98, passed by a vote of 95-0 on July 25, 1997, states that the Senate will not ratify any climate treaty that would harm the U.S. economy or fails to require developing nations to reduce emissions.1 Kyoto fails both tests. The President simply recognized these facts.

Black Body Radiation: "How is Radiation Absorbed? - What is meant by the phrase "black body" radiation? The point is that radiation from heated bodies depends to some extent on the body heated. Let us back up momentarily and consider how differently different materials absorb radiation". Read this interesting lecture on black body radiation to learn what you always (perhaps) wanted to know abouy this matter.

CONSEQUENCES: Oceans, Global Warming, the Sun...

Separating Facts From Fiction: an excellent scientific article by Dr. Sallie Baliunas' testimony provided to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, chaired by Sen. James M. Jeffords, with excellent graphs on the subject of Global Warming..

NOAA's Ark of Lies : Weather Agency Preparing False "Climate" Scare - Word from within the Bush White House is that one of its own agencies plans to spring a political stunt on unsuspecting taxpayers soon. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an agency overseen by the Department of Commerce, is preparing a formal government document directly contravening President Bush's policy on climate change and science.

Antarctica is Cooling: "So the Antarctic is cooling after all. Years of news reports claimed that it was warming, and that gigantic icebergs would calve off and melt, turning New York's Central Park into a pond. But the boy who cried "wolf" cried once too often. It turns out that most of the Antarctic measurements in the past had been taken on a small peninsula, and not over the vast wind-blown expanse of the frozen continent. Why did the past measurements concentrate on one peninsula? This is where the scientific outposts are. It reminds me of the old story of the drunk who lost his car keys at night. He crawled around near a lamppost, where a policeman confronted him. The constable asked him if he had lost the keys near the post. "No", was the reply, "but there's light here.".

Wrong at the Core: another excellent scientific article by Dr. Sallie Baliunas on the subject of Global Warming: Ice core records drilled from Antarctica and Greenland hold a treasure of information on the vicissitudes of ancient climate and the interaction between the air's carbon dioxide and its temperature. But contrary to popular belief, those records reaching back 400,000 years cannot support the hypothesis that the air's recent carbon dioxide increases will cause a cataclysmic global warming.

The Press Gets It Wrong: Our report doesn't support the Kyoto treaty. By RICHARD S. LINDZEN: As one of 11 scientists who prepared the report of the US National Academy of Sciences, I can state that this is simply untrue. For starters, the NAS never asks that all participants agree to all elements of a report, but rather that the report represent the span of views. This the full report did, making clear that there is no consensus, unanimous or otherwise, about long-term climate trends and what causes them.

Global Warming Natural, May End Within 20 Years, Says Ohio State University Researcher

Global Warming: Does it Exist? If so, is it Man- or Sun-made? (Stanford University, USA)

MILANKOVITCH CYCLES IN PALEOCLIMATE Earth´s climate has been governed by geological cycles studied by croatian astronomer Milutin Milankovitch back in the 30s


Articles from CO2 Science.org

Evaporation losing its strength. Nature 377: 687-688: Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change:"the downward trend in pan evaporation over most of the United States and former Soviet Union implies that, for large regions of the globe, the terrestrial evaporation component of the hydrological cycle has been decreasing."  They also note that this observation "corresponds well with both decreases in maximum summer temperatures over these regions and a decrease in growing-season degree-days over the Siberian and European former Soviet Union."  Speculating on the cause of these related trends, the authors suggest "increases in cloud cover, especially low cloud cover," since "pan evaporation has been decreasing and is correlated negatively with cloud cover ... for the five regions."

Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming: Where We Stand on the Issue: by C. D. Idso and K. E. Idso from the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: There is no evidence for warming-induced increases in extreme weather. Proponents of the CO2-induced global warming hypothesis often predict that extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes will become more numerous and/or extreme in a warmer world; however, there is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, many studies have revealed that the numbers and intensities of extreme weather events have remained relatively constant over the last century of modest global warming or have actually declined.

Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: Boon or Bane of the Biosphere? by C. D. Idso and K. E. Idso from the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Boon or bane? Which is it? Will the rising CO2 content of earth's atmosphere devastate the planet's coral reefs while it simultaneously fertilizes its forests? Will this ongoing global environmental change be both good and bad at the same time? Or is there a problem with one of these scenarios?

There Has Been No Global Warming for the Past 70 Years in our editorial of 15 June 2000 - The Global Surface Air Temperature Record Must Be Wrong - we reviewed a large body of evidence that suggests that the highly-hyped "unprecedented global warming" of the past two decades never actually occurred. This evidence includes (1) the satellite microwave-sounding-unit temperature record, which in the absence of the massive 1998 El Niño heat pulse shows no warming whatsoever from 1979 to the present, (2) the weather-balloon temperature record, which for the same circumstances also shows no warming, (3) the surface- and satellite-derived temperature records of earth's polar regions, which also show no warming, and (4) the high-quality U.S. Historical Climatology Network data base, which, not surprisingly, also shows no statistically significant warming over this period. We now augment this substantial body of empirical evidence for no global warming over the last two decades with observations gleaned from tree-ring reconstructions of surface air temperature.

The Global Surface Air Temperature Record Must Be Wrong Our conversion on this matter began with our reading of John Daly's treatise on the global surface air temperature record (Daly, 2000), which is posted on the website of the Greening Earth Society. In reference to the divergent trends of the surface air temperature record, which exhibits a dramatic warming over the past 21 years, and the lower tropospheric temperature record produced by satellite microwave sounding units, which exhibits no such warming, he cites the only three explanations that can possibly account for this discrepancy: (1) the surface record is incorrect, (2) the satellite record is incorrect, (3) both records are correct, and their different temperature trends are due to some unknown atmospheric process or processes.

World Temperatures Data Repository in this section of our CO2science.org website you may calculate and download temperature trends for the entire globe or for selected regions of the globe using data from any of the four data sets listed below. If you know the data set you wish to utilize, click on its appropriate link. If you are unsure which data set is best suited for your purpose, click here to obtain data set descriptions.

USHCN Temperature Record of the Week: Newkirk, Oklahoma To bolster our claim that "There Has Been No Global Warming for the Past 70 Years," each week we highlight the temperature record of one of the 1221 U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) stations from 1930-1994 (click here to find out why the data do not extend to the present). The USHCN data set is one of the highest quality sources of directly-measured climate information on the planet and is eminently suited for this purpose. This issue's temperature record of the week is from Newkirk, Oklahoma. During the period of most significant greenhouse gas buildup over the past century, i.e., 1930 and onward, Newkirk's mean annual temperature has cooled by 1.20 degrees Fahrenheit. Not much global warming here!

(End of files from CO2 Science.org)

Havoc on Nature: another great scientific article by Dr. Sallie Baliunas: More than one million years ago the early tool-making hominid species homo erectus controlled fire as a means for bettering chances of the species' survival. Homo sapiens, the modern successor of homo erectus, continues in the hominid legacy of attempting to control, and thereby outlast, the havoc of nature. Read it!

The Antarctic is Freezing Cold: Antarctic icebergs called B-15A and C-16 are about 54 miles and 34 miles long, respectively. They calved from the Ross Ice Shelf in March 2000, and have drifted northeast. The mammoth icebergs, along with increased sea ice, now block open water in McMurdo Sound. The Adelie and Emperor penguins, which usually swim beyond the open sound for food for their chicks, are stuck walking across the ice dam. Without ready access to food, the chicks die. Several of the smaller colonies, according to a National Science Foundation researcher, will be obliterated.

Alaska is Not Heating Up: Thermometer readings from various locations around Alaska indicate that a warming occurred during the last five decades. But can this Alaska warming be connected to the air's increased carbon dioxide concentration from human activities like fossil fuel consumption? The short answer is, no. And that is at odds with the analysis from the United States National Assessment (USNA).

Climate Lies: (by Dr. Willie Soon, a Physicist at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics). Winston Churchill once remarked that "a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." If my recent travels are any indicator, the Last Lion may have understated the case. While there is much uncertainty in climate science, in the scientific discussions over global warming there is, however, at least one sure scientific fact: man-made global warming has not been confirmed at all from available records. So cheer up Hilton, cheer up US Airways, and cheer up distinguished Nobelists: the truth is out there, and he is getting his pants on.

Ralph Nader Blows Hot Air: As important as energy policy is to the future of America's economy and safety, policy discussions through the 1990s were thrall to optimistic but unworkable ideas on energy resources. While these ideas may have been good politics, they are based on bad science and obscure important national security concerns. One example is the notion that a significant amount of energy or electricity can be supplied in America by wind power. In a recent article, Ralph Nader states that at present it is technologically feasible to generate 20% of America's electricity needs with wind power.

The Non-Science of Global Warming: an excellent scientific article by oceanographer Robert Stevenson, Ph.D., telling us about how "The Science of climate has been buried alive
by an avalanche of ideology-based computer models"

Guess What?: Antarctica's getting colder, not warmer —Two studies of temperatures and ice-cap movements in Antarctica suggest that the Southern Hemisphere's "canary" isn't going down without a fight - key sections of the ice cap appear to be growing thicker, not thinner, as previously believed. And the continent's average temperature appears to have cooled slightly during the past 35 years, not warmed."

"Greenhouse lobby, read the paper" —"Those following the climate debate should read, (between the lines), the features by Simon Grose, and by Peter Szental in today's CT. The first item , shows just how hard it is to say exactly what the temperature of the planet is doing, with some findings now showing that average temperatures in Antarctica may be dropping. The second castigates 'strong and vocal self-interested groups that still argue against' the greenhouse effect. Its author happens to be, by the way, 'chief executive officer of the Sustainable Energy Industry Association.'

Is a New Ice Age Under Way?: by Laurence Hecht, "Watch out, Al Gore. The glaciers will get you!" With that appended note, my friend, retired field geologist Jack Sauers, forwarded to me a report that should have been a lead item in every newspaper in the world. It was the news that the best-measured glacier in North America, the Nisqually on Mount Rainier, has been growing since 1931. (Laurence Hecht is Editor-in-Chief of 21st Century Science & Technology magazine).

VIRTUAL CLIMATE ALERT: We heard the news, this week, oh boy. "The vast reshaping of the environment by modern civilization raises the chances of sudden and drastic upheavals in the climate, a panel of experts warns," writes The New York Times. The Washington Post chimes in, "While recent climate change studies have focused on the risks of a gradual rise in the Earth's temperature, a new National Academy of Sciences report has concluded that greenhouse gases and other pollutants could trigger large, abrupt and potentially disastrous climate changes." Really funny!

Greenhouse Lessons from the Geologic Record: Global climate--like local weather--is ever changing, on all time scales, in response to natural variations. For this reason, projections of global warming, resulting from increasing levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases, need to be set in the context of what has happened in the past. A knowledge of what has changed, and when and where, provides insights into why past changes have occurred. Such information can also help in evaluating the reliability of global warming forecasts. Excellent scientific analysis of the subject!

CLIMATE SEARCH: The most complete source of sound scientific information on Earth´s climate on the Internet!. Thousand of topics and a suberbly powerful search engine easy to use. DO NOT MISS THIS WEBSITE!

Virtual Climate Alert - Models are Wrong : According to an article in the October 11th edition of Nature, the general circulation models used to forecast future climate incorporate a major and fundamental error. If corrected in accordance with the researchers' finding, forecasts of rising global temperature likely would drop about 20 percent.

A DISCERNIBLE HUMAN INFLUENCE ...Critique of a paper by Santer et al which became the subject of the IPCC Controversy involving the notorious `Chapter 8' allegations.

What´s Hot on Thin Ice: - Sep 29, 2000 A new study of polar ice finds the summer decline to be 40 percent per century, pegging its total demise for the year 2210. Winter ice, though, won't melt until the year 3625. But who can say with certainty what energy system will be in place 50, 100, 200, or 1,600 years from now? Or how it might affect global climate? New Hope Environmental Services Staff

The Medieval Warm Period in Russia : The reconstructed temperature history revealed the existence of a number of climatic excursions, including the "Holocene Optimum 4000-6000 years ago, Medieval Warm Period with a culmination about 1000 years ago and Little Ice Age 200-500 years ago." (Demezhko, D.Yu. and Shchapov, V.A. 2001.)

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