"Greenhouse lobby, read the paper"
"Those following the climate debate should read, (between the lines), the features by Simon Grose, and by Peter Szental in today's CT. The first item , shows just how hard it is to say exactly what the temperature of the planet is doing, with some findings now showing that average temperatures in Antarctica may be dropping. The second castigates 'strong and vocal self-interested groups that still argue against' the greenhouse effect. Its author happens to be, by the way, 'chief executive officer of the Sustainable Energy Industry Association.' Der. (Pot calling Kettle, come in Kettle&)" (Larry Mounser, Canberra Times)
"Guess what? Antarctica's getting colder, not warmer"
"The Earth's polar regions long have been considered canaries in the coal mine on climate change - the first places to look, many scientists said, to learn whether the planet's temperature is, in fact, rising. Indeed, climate models generally predict that the heating of the atmosphere - precipitated by global warming - will cause the vast layer of ice that covers Antarctica to melt, raising sea levels and changing regional climate patterns by altering ocean currents.
This week, that widely held presumption is being challenged.
Two studies of temperatures and ice-cap movements in Antarctica suggest that the Southern Hemisphere's "canary" isn't going down without a fight - key sections of the ice cap appear to be growing thicker, not thinner, as previously believed. And the continent's average temperature appears to have cooled slightly during the past 35 years, not warmed." (Christian Science Monitor) | West Antarctic Ice Getting Thicker (AP) | Antarctic May Have Stopped Shrinking, Study Finds (Reuters) | Ice 'thickens' in West Antarctica (BBC Online) | West Antarctic ice sheet is thickening (New Scientist)
See Positive Mass Balance of the Ross Ice Streams, West Antarctica, Science 295: 476 (PDF) and related On Thickening Ice?, Science 295: 451 (PDF)
"A new study finds that climate warming over the next century will bring potential flooding in winter, as a result of increased streamflow throughout California. The study also finds less water would be available during the summer months. Norman Miller and Kathy Bashford of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and Eric Strem of the National Weather Service's (NWS) California-Nevada River Forecast Center looked at two climate change scenarios projected out to the year 2100. Based on these scenarios, they determined how the smallest to largest expected changes in regional temperature and precipitation would affect streamflow throughout California." (NASA/GSFC)
"NASA satellite instrument warms up global cooling theory" - "Measurements from a NASA Langley Research Center satellite instrument dispute a recent theory that proposes that clouds in the Tropics might cool the Earth and counteract predictions of global warming. The Langley instrument indicates these clouds would instead slightly strengthen the greenhouse effect to warm the Earth." (NASA/GSFC)
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